Sunday, 24 October 2010

Roaring sea , dog poo dilemmas, Skype conversations and sleep.

Monday 25th October. Sunbeach Hotel ,Hikkaduwa.

Here I am sitting looking out to huge crashing waves under a cooling fan whirring above my head. Zigger is fast asleep at my feet. Its 11.0am Sri Lankan time and Im thinking that some of my friends in UK will just about be getting out of bed. Cicero who is the staff member for the new Chandresevana centre has just called by to meet me. He will be the  person stating at Suranodama and is the caretaker and guard.
I met him in February and he's really nice so Im glad he is moving to the new building.
Zigger is a star.
When I walked down the main street yesterday all the shopkeepers and cafe owners wanted to meet Zigger. He is certainly an unusual dog for this area . Of course he laps up the attention. This morning we went on a short walk along the beach but the tide is high and the waves
so we both got soaked and I doubt if I will ever be able to let him run free on the beach as the undercurrent is dangerously strong here. He managed to chase a few small scuttling crabs and disturb every dog in every beach hotel and came back exhausted and happy.  Here he is about to eat coconut with Dylan.
Small creatures abound
I'd forgotten how many ants there are everywhere and how everything needs to be wrapped up. tesco sandwich bags are proving really useful. I allmost forgot to use bottled water for cleaning my teeth and didnt close the mosquito net carefully on Saturday night so have a few bites now. I decided to make a list of all the things people should bring or remember when they come to visit and Im adding to it as I go along, I puzzled about what to do with dog poo- dog owners will appreciate the dilemmas.
But the manager told me to leave it any where but on the public pavements. And now I can see why- kick a bit of sand over it and its soon devoured by ants , crabs etc. ,
Thinking of home.
Remembering that it's Monday of half term in UK and I would usually be wondering if I might go to the Greys pub in Southover St for music night as Hullaballo  Quire, where I'd usually be on a Monday, wont be on this evening.
Skype is great . I can walk about with the laptop and show whoever I'm talking with the sea and zigger and the lovely palm trees. My Skype address is eddipiper42 so give me a call - its a free and easy to load programme. Dont forget the 4.5 hour time difference though or it will be a very sleepy conversation.
I'll download pictures as soon as I can work out how to do it as I usually use Bluetooth and thats not working at the moment. The one above is one I took in February this year. Now, in October the tables have been moved up onto a sea wall with huge waves crashing in against a sea wall.
After all the energy and effort of packing up my house and getting myself and Zigger out here I'g going to have at least 2 weeks lazing and holidaying so I might just have a little snooze in the shade under a palm tree now.
Love to everyone - do keep in touch
Eddi and Zigger


  1. Hi Eddi
    Sandwich bags situation noted
    Thought you might want to know that I am at work - thinking Zigger Worship. Folk may travel from afar.

  2. hi hazel , wel there are plenty of shining stars to follow. Dylan sang me twinkle twinkle little star and row row row the boat last night- taught in primary schools along with jack and jill etc etc -how mad is that!
    weds am and just finished honey and banana pancakes for breakfast

  3. Hi Eddi, Great to hear that you've arrived safely and are happily settling in to the sand, sea and snoozes in the shade! Don't seem to get on with skype as each time i've fitted it up i get inundated with spammy stuff, but may try to give it another go for the excitement of chatting to you on that beach in the photo! Have also been following Sally May's travels and I feel transported. Going out dog walking in Stanmer park with Les and Ally on Monday and will drink your health at the Stanmer Park Cafe!! Much love from us both, Dawn and Tony xxx
